Posts Tagged ‘NSFW


Lordi 2

Oh god please not again..

Continue reading ‘Lordi 2’



Nine years ago my favourite magazine was cancelled. I haven’t really paid my respects to it in proper way, so here, have an entry. When I was just a wee little critic, I spent my days reading this legendary magazine.

This magazine was called:

Continue reading ‘Pahkasika’


Kane – Kotiinpaluu(Return to Home)

The Helsinki Comic Festival was truly a success. I bought a pig pile of comics form there and I am on the roll now.

Because I have dissected basically nothing else but finnmanga, I’m going to dissect a basic, usual to Finland “sarjakuva” now. Unfortunately I got more finnmanga for you after this but.. I don’t think Kane will be very pleasing either.

So.. ladies and gentlemen and sheep. This is the first time I have ever had to warn you of the content before and I am sad this stack of toilet paper had to take my warning virginity.

Im not even being witty here!
I’m not even being witty here!

If extreme and un-needed nakedness and violence isn’t your thing, I have plenty of work safe dissections beside this one. But if you’re ready to bear this abomination..

Here is my dissection of

Why even finnish comics always happen in New York!?
Why even finnish comics always happen in New York!?

Continue reading ‘Kane – Kotiinpaluu(Return to Home)’
